This is possible only by using Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Blu-Ray Disk from Your actual Blu-Ray Player that syncs with LightSpace Software!

Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk Auto-Sequence Chapters are integrating with LightSpace Software by using LightSpace’s DIP Mode.
LightSpace DIP Mode is used mainly at professional post-production / Digital Intermediate grading systems for calibrating the whole image chain.
You will only need to perform an initial display/meter setup, no other user prompt is required during the whole Display Profiling sequence!
Now using Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk there's no need to buy any External Hardware Pattern Generator!

Reproducing this color accuracy @ your own Home Display/Projector will get you even closer for viewing the movies ''as the director intended''!
You will need only Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk + LightSpace Home Cinema Software + Meter + eeColor 3D LUT Box Device!

External Pattern Generator's (of any price range) can't see your Blu-Ray video output inaccuracies!
The only Solution to fix this problem is to use a Disk Pattern Generator from your actual Blu-Ray Player you are using for movie playback.

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